Epicor 10 cloud ERP – The perfect fit for SMEs

Have you reached a saturation point where you can’t keep track of spreadsheets anymore and want to take your business to the next level?

Do you fancy a solution which is cost effective and adds zeros to your revenue? If yes, move to the Epicor 10 cloud ERP.

Instead of a costly one-time payment subscribe to a monthly subscription fee that facilitates access to the cloud ERP software.

The cloud ERP solution is much very economical when compared to on premise ERP implementations.

 Why Epicor 10 cloud ERP?


Epicor Cloud ERP deployments often run 25–40% less than their on-premises deployment and deliver higher-value activities that are better aligned with your mission.

Gives you the liberty to choose the model that best fits your business. Multi-Tenant (with its compelling economics and seamless upgrades) or Single Tenant (allowing more administrative control and administrative ownership)

After the cloud deployment you are assured of regular upgrades.

Deploying a single cloud ERP globally removes many operational obstacles, facilitates better global regulatory compliance, expansion efforts can be accommodated without a significant IT effort by simply enabling that new location in your existing cloud-based ERP system

The modern ERP deployment landscape caters to a workforce of mobile professionals, employing inexpensive handheld technologies across the company. This would drive improved efficiency, enhanced insights, and increased accuracy to your decision-making processes.

Deploying Epicor ERP will often enable the ability to instantly scale the system as your business grows.

In a nutshell, SaaS software eliminates many of the barriers that keep companies from implementing or upgrading their cloud ERP solution; more importantly it enables them to focus on their core business operations instead of managing IT.

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