Introduction HR metrics are indicators that are used to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise. In my previous blog, Top talent metrics that HR managers and CHROs must keep a track of – Part 1 we learnt that not all HR metrics are created equal. There are Continue Reading
Top talent metrics that HR managers and CHROs must keep a track of – Part 1
Introduction There are numerous HR publications that list a plethora of metrics that a HR department must track. But, are they ‘HR Metrics that Matter’? What differentiates ‘HR Metrics that Matter’ with other nice to have HR metrics? The answer is very simple! The metrics that cover strategic goals Continue Reading
What is the role of ERP in Industrie 4.0?
Introduction Before we start off, let us know what Industrie 4.0 is. Industrie 4.0 is more than just a catchphrase. Industry 4.0 is currently creating ripples in the manufacturing sector. In simplistic terms, McKinsey defines Industry 4.0 as “The next phase in the digitization of the manufacturing sector, driven Continue Reading
Technologies that are Revolutionizing Manufacturing
In order to thrive in competitive markets, solution architects ought to proactively work with their respective CXOs and other business leaders to venture technologies that have the capability to change business models for good. When these technologies are introduced to the business models, manual and other time-consuming processes are eliminated Continue Reading
Epicor 10 cloud ERP – The perfect fit for SMEs
Have you reached a saturation point where you can’t keep track of spreadsheets anymore and want to take your business to the next level? Do you fancy a solution which is cost effective and adds zeros to your revenue? If yes, move to the Epicor 10 cloud ERP. Instead of Continue Reading
How IoT can be used within an organization to improve productivity?
The Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything changes the way we interact with devices and helps to enhance safety, decision making and manage remote infrastructure more proactively. According to the Economist, businesses prefer to use IoT technologies within their enterprise as well. PwC has given this type of Continue Reading